Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba

Including artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

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Salima Punjani – PROGRESSION

This is a poster advertising the online cybor-world experience created by Salima Punjani titled “PROGRESSION”. The top graphic is a screen shot from the digital world of the entry portal, a beige-walled ‘waiting room’ with hanging planters and pastel floor pillows. Out the entranceway we glimpse the lower image: a space night-scape with ethereal ropes of glowing purple and azure. Two caves on the horizon sport white text: “What reminds you of who you are?” and “How do you want to be seen?”. In the centre, next to the artist’s name and below the show title we read: “ONLINE EXPERIENCE OPENING JUNE 7 AT AANM.CA/ONLINE-EXHIBITIONS.” The logos for AANM and the Province of Manitoba appear along the side. Along the bottom, it reads “this project was made possible with support from Ada X and the Canada Council for the Arts.”


Photo of Salima Punjani. She is seated among brightly coloured textiles, looking off to the side with a pleasant smile. Her dark hair is long and curly. She wears a loose cotton robe in orange, rose, and black, and her neck and wrists are decorated with jewelry.
Photo credit: Vjosana Shkurti

Born in Vancouver in 1986, Salima Punjani is a multisensory artist whose mediums include social sculpture, vibrotactile, spatial sound, digital video and photography and relational aesthetics. Her artistic approach is rooted in trauma-informed care and disability justice. She uses multiple senses to expand the possibilities to welcome Disabled people into art spaces by creating artful experiences of empathy, intimacy, and connection. Her recent work explores themes such as softness and anti-urgency, collective grief, isolation and resocialization processes related to COVID-19, rest as resistance to systemic injustice as well as how medical data can be subverted into finding human connection rather than pathologies. She holds a B.A. in Communications and Political Science from Carleton University, a Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Concordia University and a Master’s in Social Work from McGill University with research focusing on the intersection of the arts and care work.


Progression is a multisensory, interactive installation that superimposes in real time the narratives of people with multiple sclerosis on their EEGs and brain MRIs. It features various sensory entry points such as visual and tactile photographs, audio narratives, and vibratory sound elements.

Year of creation: 2018

Techniques and materials: Vibrotactile transducers, laser engraved photos on plywood, MRI scans, EEG signals, audio narratives.

Dimensions: 3x (18” x 18” x 12”)

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