Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba

Including artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

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Artist Resources

Your source for calls for artwork, professional development, social events, one-on-one coaching, and more.

Supporter Resources

Your source for artist profiles, exhibitions, purchasing artwork, accessibility consultations, and more.

Call to photographers: Flash Fest

Sacha KopelowOct 16, 20241 min read
In front of a room whose walls are covered floor to ceiling with yellow sticky-notes, we read a promo for a Call to Photographers on a large yellow sticky note. Large blue lettering proclaims “DEADLINE NOV 20, 2024” at the top. Below a blue scribbled underline we find the rest of the info in plain bright pink font: “AANM IS PARTNERING WITH LA MAISON DES ARTISTES VISUELS FRANCOPHONE TO MOUNT A JURIED EXHIBITION IN THE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHIC FESTIVAL. SELECTED ARTISTS WILL RECEIVE $462 CARFAC FEE TO EXHIBIT IN THE LA MAISON STUDIO GALLERY. YOU MUST IDENTIFY AS DEAF OR DISABLED TO APPLY FOR THIS SHOW. SEND TO PROGRAMMING@AANM.CA: ARTIST CV, PHOTOGRAPHY- UP TO 6 IMAGES, MAX SIZE 200MB.” In the lower right corner are the logos for Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba, Flash Festival, and La Maison.

Call to Photographers!   FLASH Photographic Festival began as an annual event in 2014, to promote photographic artists through the presentation of multiple shows over one……

Kay Kassirer – Poetry

Sacha KopelowOct 3, 20242 min read
Surrounded by a background of dark grey-blue, the main image is a photo Kay Kassirer. Kay is young and white, crouched relaxedly atop a cement ledge, with a chain fence behind. They are wearing an oversized faded jean jacket, daisy-print pants, a black hoodie, a purple knit cap, and dark rimmed glasses. Kay’s head is turned towards us, their red curly hair peeking out from under the cap, with an open, friendly smile. The logos for Under the Table, the Province of Manitoba, and AANM appear along the bottom.

  Statement This collection of poems by Kay Kassirer weaves together stories of disability, queerness, and sex work, examining the interconnectedness of these topics. Kassirer……

AANM Members’ Show: Call to Artists / Exposition des membres de l’AANM

Jenel ShawJan 24, 20252 min read
This is a promo seeking submissions for AANM’s Member Show. The image is simple and clean: a photo of a white gloved hand running a paint roller loaded with white paint against a white wall. Plain font provides the following info: July 17-Aug 2, 2025. Venue: La Maison Des Artistes. Submission deadline: March 1st. Send 3 images to Theme: Lived experience of disability. The logos of AANM, La Maison, and The Winnipeg Foundation are in the bottom corner.

Submit your work to be featured in our Members’ Show! AANM Members are invited to submit their artwork to be shown at our Members’ Show……

Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba is a registered charitable organization (# 09135809RR0001).
We provide charitable receipts for all donations.

Artist Focused

Art takes all sorts of shapes and forms. And the same can be said for Artists. In the AANM Artist Focus we introduce you to some of the amazing artists from our membership, their stories, and their art.


Join our vibrant community of artists, allies, and arts organizations and help us create a Manitoba where the arts are accessible for everyone! When you join you will be subscribed to our members-only monthly newsletter, where you will be the first to learn about new projects, calls for art, and other events held by AANM.


AANM depends on the generous support of our donors. Your contribution goes a long way to helping AANM support Manitoba Artists with Disabilities. Find out your donation can help.

AANM is in a multi-level building with a ramp on the east side of the building. We offer accessible washrooms. ASL is provided upon request, with one week notice. We request that all staff and members refrain from wearing scented products out of respect for those with sensitivities. Service animals are welcome (pets are not.)
For other accommodations, or if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact the office at 204-336-2366 or email

AANM would like to thank

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