Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba

Including artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

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What is the CGTrader Digital Art Competition?

CGTrader, one of the leading 3D model marketplaces in the world, has just launched the Digital Art Competition, which calls all CG artists (both 2D and 3D)!

Upload up to three works to each of the available two groups (Illustrations or Concept Design) with Character, Environment and Object categories. All artworks will also have the chance to win the Public Award.

The CGTrader Digital Art Competition gives participants exposure in our 1.2M+ designer community and the chance to win prizes valued over $60,000.

There are no hard requirements, and artworks do not have to be created exclusively for the competition, so feel free to show everyone your best and favorite works. For more details, visit the competition page and be sure to check out the Categories & Prizes section!