The #NotA series was created to confront implicit bias targeting people with a disability. As an artist, I want people to view these illustrations and ask themselves. “Is this how I think when interacting with a disabled person?” Are my thoughts negative ones such as fear, revulsion, or pity?” Viewers can then recognize the bias that creates those thoughts and confront it internally to change how we are seen. Bias against people with a disability is still accepted and that must change. This series is my effort to start a dialog about the disabled and how we are seen in Canada.
Troy Lindstrom was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in his early 20’s. He went through many years of depression and when Troy finally decided to make a life for himself, he found the roadblocks that many people with a disability face. Troy’s art is his purpose. Troy has always used art as a coping tool, but now he creates through the disability lens his life has given him. Using his art and experience to make people with disabilities visible and confronting the stigma and bias they face. Seeing what is happening to the disabled during the pandemic has shown Troy that the progress they had made through accessibility and inclusion was an illusion. Troy wants to confront those who think we are worth less and celebrate our allies with his illustrations.