Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba

Including artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

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Paralym Art World Cup 2020

Paralym Art | Beyond 2020 | Helping Disabled artists realize their dreams | Paralym Art looks to help disabled artist, by giving them a way to survive without having to have a dependence on social security programs, and to help them form ties with companies that will help back these amazing artists. As well as this, in preparation for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we have received the Beyond 2020 recognition.






A Message from Zak from Paralym Art:

This year we are holding the 3rd Paralym Art World Cup, and have opened up entries to everyone with disabilities starting from March 16th!

We want this event to be a time where we can bring together amazing works from artists that have disabilities and promote them to the whole world!

We have decided on the theme for this year, being “PEACE”! With the Tokyo Olympics being held hopefully this year, we see this as being as a year to come together and promote peace and so we decided on this theme. We are asking artists to submit artwork that to them expresses this theme!

【Paralym Art World Cup 2020 Homepage】

【Paralym Art World Cup 2020 Entry Form】

We are preparing the following for the first and second place winners as well as others

・Extravagant prize money, along with other prizes!

・Invitation to the ceremony being held in Tokyo in November 2020!

・A stay at the Park Hotel Tokyo where we will be exhibiting and selling the winning artworks!

More Information will be launched soon!