Diversity through Access to Technology and Art Program
Susan Aydan Abbott | Yvette Cenerini
Andrea von Wichert | Susan Lamberd
Opening reception 6pm Friday March 6th, 2020

Technical Support / Soutien technique
Please join us for the Opening: Friday, March 6th, 2020 (6pm – 9pm)
Poolside Gallery and The Output | 218-100 Arthur St | accessible from the King st doors
Performance by Andrea von Wichert at (7:30pm)
The Diversity through Access to Technology + Art program (DATA) provides mentorship, education and career development opportunities to artists with disabilities who are interested in incorporating technology into their arts practice.
Yvette Cenerini (née Lagimodière) is a francophone Métis visual artist from Manitoba who lives and works in Winnipeg. Prior to obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Manitoba in 2010, she completed a Bachelor of Education and taught art for 5 years to middle and junior year students. Keen on zoology and psychology, thus human and animal behaviors, the complexity and intimacy of intra- and inter-specific relationships are recurring themes throughout her work in photomontage. Her new series of work created as a mentee in the Diversity through Access to Technology + Art Mentorship Program has her experimenting with the amalgamation of digital collage and Media Arts.
Susan Aydan Abbott: Winnipeg artist Abbott creates deeply personal works using photography, sculpture, film and installations which speak to memory, resilience, trauma violence and survival. Using silicone casts of her body and face, her work links the architecture and landscape with her own personal history as she directly transfers the pain of her experiences against and into her own environment. Abbott has shown in solo, group shows locally and nationally as well as attended residencies in Hamilton Ontario (Center3) and Feminist art Collective in Toronto. Her work was spotlighted on Canada Council website in 2018. She has received numerous grants to complete a body work on an abandoned Mental Asylum (BOOBY HATCH (WO)MANIFESTO: a Feminine Perspective of Century Manor). Recent exhibitions include Not the Camera, But the Filing Cabinet: Performative Body Archives in Contemporary Art at Gallery 1c03 at University of Winnipeg and the Window Gallery and Narrative Healing: Feminst Art Fest at Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) in Toronto.She is currently enrolled in the Diversity through access to Technology And Art program(DATA) at Video Pool Media Arts Centre where she is expanding her practice with new learnt technologies.
Andrea von Wichert is a Winnipeg performer/writer/visual artist. A self-identified clown who often explores abjection as identity (to her own detriment,) she often muses in her work on the failure to meet culturally-defined expectations on a consistent and chronic basis.
Susan Lamberd: A multi-disciplinary artist interested in challenging the preconceived notions of what an artist with a disability can create, Lamberd uses the body as the main theme of her work. Diverse media communicate ideas of access in the arts, reject the view of disability that convectional artists have maintained, and aid in discovering radical new ways in which to express these beliefs.
In collaboration with:

Funded by:

Andrea von Wichert
Susan Aydan Abbott
Yvette Cenerini
Susan Lamberd
Reva Stone
Ken Gregory
Helga Jakobson
Erika Lincoln