Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba

Including artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

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Call for Board of Directors

Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba’s vision is the full inclusion of artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

AANM is seeking individuals from across the province to serve on our Board of Directors. Successful applicants will support our vision and mandate in promoting an inclusive and accessible arts culture in Manitoba.

We are looking for nominees who are passionate about the arts and/or disability rights and bring knowledge and/or skills in one or more areas of Board governance and leadership: strategic planning, fiscal oversight, collaborative partnerships, fundraising, community outreach and engagement, advocacy, human resources, policy, law, IT.

Board members spend approximately 5 hours per month on AANM work. Depending on your level of involvement and commitment, this time might increase.

All members of the AANM Board of Directors are expected to assist on a committee in addition to their general board involvement. Please express in your application the area of interest for you.  For example, fundraising, promotion, policy development, programming, membership development, governance.  We want to find you a position/role that will benefit from both your enthusiasm and professional experience!

To submit an application download and complete the form below.  Please also attach your CV (or a history of volunteer work, employment and/or other interests), a statement expressing why you would like to join AANM as a board member and your areas of interest or expertise.

Applications can be emailed to or mail/dropped off at AANM’s offices at 102-329 Cumberland Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B  1T2.

please download the application form