Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba

Including artists and audiences with disabilities into all facets of the arts community.

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Art City S.O.S!

Help us raise $50000 to save our Community Programs!

The Story

Dear Friends and Art Citizens,

Art City operations are in jeopardy. This year, lengthy delays in funding have put us in an unprecedented cash flow crisis.

Art City provides free, life-changing art programs each week to children throughout Winnipeg’s inner city and beyond. These are children that we’ve worked with for years, building imaginations, skills, and enriching quality of life as we’ve done in West Broadway for nearly two decades.

We are being forced to cut invaluable programs to avoid running out of money while waiting for funding. If the thought of a child being denied their creative voice makes you feel like everything good has gone wrong, then this is your cause.

If this threat to Art City makes you want to get up and fight, then we need your support!

The timing is critical. If ever Art City needed your help, this is it!