Abilities Manitoba
5-1146 Waverley St
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 0P4
Phone: (204) 890-6751
Website: https://abilitiesmanitoba.org
Mission Statement: Abilities Manitoba is a network of agencies that exists to foster excellence in services for people with intellectual disabilities.
Vision Statement: Together we can create a province where all Manitobans value the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, and the partnership between communities, governments, families, and agencies that support them.
Canadian Association of the Deaf – Association des Sourds du Canada
Suite 606, 251 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON
K2P 1X3
PHONE:+1 (613) 565-2882
EMAIL: info@cad.ca
WEBSITE: http://cad.ca/
The Canadian Association of the Deaf-Association des Sourds du Canada (CAD-ASC) is the oldest national consumer organization of, by and for Deaf individuals in Canada for having its interests represented at national level.
The CAD-ASC was founded in 1940, as the Inter-Provincial Association of the Deaf by the three major regional associations of the Deaf- the Western Canada, the Ontario, and the Eastern Canada Associations with the support of the Montreal Association of the Deaf. It was federally incorporated in 1948, and today includes membership of local, provincial and national Deaf associations from coast to cast.
The CAD-ASC provides consultation and information on Deaf needs and interests to the public, business, media, educators, governments and others. We conduct research and collect data, issue reports, and provide expertise regarding Deaf concerns and rights. We develop and implement pilot programs and “best practices.” We offer assistance to Deaf organizations and service agencies across the country, and also provide a major library and resource centre on deafness at our office in Ottawa, Ontario.
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies
Unit #10 226 Osborne Street North
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1V4
PHONE: (204) 287-8411 EXT. 33
FAX: (204) 284-5343
TTY: (204) 475-6223
Email: ccds@disabilitystudies.ca
Website: http://www.disabilitystudies.ca/index.html
The Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS) is a non-profit, consumer-directed and university-affiliated national organization dedicated to disability issues. We are dedicated to re-envisioning—through collaborative research, education and development—meaningful and equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society—locally, provincially/territorially, nationally and internationally.
Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Suite 103 – 2003 14 Street NW
Calgary Alberta Canada T2M 3N4
Toll-free in Canada: 1-800-883-5608
Local & International: +01-403-270-8500
Website: https://cdss.ca
Our Mission: To empower Canadians with Down syndrome and their families. We raise awareness and provide information on Down syndrome through the prenatal, early childhood, school years, adulthood, and retirement stages of life.
Canadian Paralympic Committee
85 Plymouth Street
Suite 100
Ottawa, ON, K1S 3E2
Tel: 613-569-4333
Fax: 613-569-2777
Website: https://paralympic.ca
For all general inquiries please contact info@paralympic.ca
The Canadian Paralympic Committee is a non-profit, private organization with 25 member sports organizations dedicated to strengthening the Paralympic Movement. The Canadian Paralympic Committee’s vision is to be the world’s leading Paralympic nation. Its mission is to lead the development of a sustainable Paralympic sport system in Canada to enable athletes to reach the podium at the Paralympic Games. By supporting Canadian high performance athletes with a disability and promoting their success, the Canadian Paralympic Committee inspires all Canadians with a disability to get involved in sport through programs delivered by its member organizations.
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
909-294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0B9
Tel: 204-947-0303
Fax: 204-942-4625
Email: ccd@ccdonline.ca
Website: http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/
CCD is a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an inclusive and accessible Canada.
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) is a social justice organization of people with all disabilities that champions the voices of people with disabilities, advocating an inclusive and accessible Canada, where people with disabilities have full realization of their human rights, as described in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada (DAWN)
469, Jean Talon W. #215
Montréal (Quebec) H3N 1R4
Phone : (514) 396-0009
Toll free : 1-866-396-0074
Fax : (514) 396-6585
Website: https://www.dawncanada.net
DAWN Canada was founded in 1985 following a meeting between seventeen women from across Canada who came together to discuss issues of mutual concern. In a society which devalues and often punishes difference of any kind, women with disabilities face many barriers. If we are Indigenous women, LGBTQ, older women, women of colour or immigrant women, we encounter even more discrimination and more barriers.
Epic Opportunities
200 – 1600 Ness Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W7
Phone: 204-560-2804
Fax: 204-560-2829
Email: info@epicmb.ca
Website: www.epicmb.ca
Employment enquiries: careers@epicmb.ca
Vision: Our vision is for all people to be valued members of the community, have significant personal networks, equal access to opportunities and to contribute to a better society
Mission: Epic Opportunities exists to provide holistic, person centred supports to people with intellectual disabilities and to promote inclusive communities
Inclusion Winnipeg
120 Maryland St #1
Winnipeg, MB
R3G 1L1
Phone: 204-786-1414
Website: https://inclusionwinnipeg.org
Inclusion Winnipeg is a registered charity which, for 60 years, has been dedicated to making life better for children and adults living with intellectual disabilities. We do this by connecting people, assisting their families to navigate systems and leading the way in advancing their human rights. We promote respect, empowerment and belonging to ensure equality for all.
Independent Living Resource Centre
311A-393 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 3H6
Phone & TTY: (204) 947-0194
Toll-Free & TTY: 1-800-663-3043
Fax: (204) 943-6625
Email: thecentre@ilrc.mb.ca
Website: https://www.ilrc.mb.ca
Mission Statement: The ILRC is a consumer controlled organization that promotes and supports citizens with disabilities to make choices and take responsibility for the development and management of personal and community resources.
Little People of Canada (LPC)
108 Rosedale Heights Drive Toronto, ON M4T 1C6
Telephone:647 873 7699
Website: https://littlepeopleofcanada.com
Little People of Canada started in 1984, and operated entirely by volunteers. The Little People of Canada is a not-for-profit organization that engages in charitable activities and provides life-long fellowship, support and information to people of short stature, their families and friends in Canada. Through peer support and personal example our members are supportive of all those who reach out to LPC. LPC endevours to help facilitate the communication between the local provincial and territorial Canadian LP organizations.
Manitoba Accessibility Office
240 Graham Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 0J7
Phone: (204) 945-7613
Website: https://accessibilitymb.ca/
Our vision is a fully accessible Manitoba, where all abilities are valued, diversity and independence are celebrated, barriers are removed and human rights are protected.
Mission: The DIO was established to support the Province of Manitoba in promoting the participation of persons with disabilities as full citizens in all aspects of society within the framework of public policy and programs of the provincial government.
Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf
Deaf Centre Manitoba
c/o Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf
285 Pembina Highway
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2E1
Website: http://www.mcsd-dam.com
VISION STATEMENT: Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf’s vision is to promote insight to and develop appreciation of Deaf Manitobans’ experiences, through language, culture, and the arts to celebratetheir achievements and contributions to the world.
MISSION STATEMENT: Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf’s mission is to identify and promote innovative initiatives and projects that focus on the contribution of the arts, heritage, language, and culture towards the revitalization and empowerment of Deaf Manitobans.
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
909-294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 0B9
Phone: 204-943-6099
Email: contact@mlpd.mb.ca
Website: https://mlpd.mb.ca
The Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) is a provincial not-for-profit organization that promotes accessibility and inclusion for people of all abilities. We are a group of experienced, diverse, influential and engaging staff and volunteers who educate and offer expert advice in a wide range of topics and issues relating to accessibility. MLPD works locally, provincially and nationally by contributing to other community initiatives and organizations like the Council for Canadians with Disabilities (CCD). MLPD is dedicated to making a fully accessible province where all people, no matter ability, are provided the same rights and freedoms.
The Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) is a provincial not-for-profit organization that promotes accessibility and inclusion for people of all abilities. We are a group of experienced, diverse, influential and engaging staff and volunteers who educate and offer expert advice in a wide range of topics and issues relating to accessibility. MLPD works locally, provincially and nationally by contributing to other community initiatives and organizations like the Council for Canadians with Disabilities (CCD). MLPD is dedicated to making a fully accessible province where all people, no matter ability, are provided the same rights and freedoms.
People First of Canada
20–226 Osborne St. North
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1V4
Phone: 204.784.7362
Fax: 204.784.7364
E-mail: info@peoplefirstofcanada.ca
Website: http://www.peoplefirstofcanada.ca
People First of Canada is the national organization representing people with intellectual disabilities.
People First of Canada is the national voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship rights, accommodation rights, and language rights. We believe in the right to freedom, choice, and equality for all.
We see ourselves as self-advocates and full citizens of our country – living equally in the community. We see ourselves as people first, and as people who have taken back control of our lives from families, policy makers and professionals such as support workers, doctors, social workers, and others, who, for far too long, made decisions for us.
Wheelchair Adventures Manitoba
Email: wheelchairmanitoba@gmail.com
Website: https://wheelchairmanitoba.com
Our goal with Wheelchair Adventures Manitoba is to share a wide range of information on different kinds of resources, activities and adventures for people in wheelchairs.