Marie LeBlanc
Marie LeBlanc is a self-taught multidisciplinary, conceptual and political disability artist. Through photography, multimedia projection, short film, performance, wordsmithing and poetry she explores themes related to landscape, isolation, beauty, health (mostly Environmental Sensitivities) and nature. Capturing faces, shapes, shadows and reflections with digital and on-camera effects, often superimposing her own reflection, she seeks to embrace the present moment and the ethereal world around her. In the winter months, she travels to the U.S. desert in a cargo van adapted for safe housing to ease the symptoms of Environmental Sensitivities (ES). She advocates for those (including herself) living with Environmental Sensitivities.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts Advanced Major Degree in Human Geography and Sociology from the University of Manitoba. She has participated in the Making Our Mark II Printmaking Mentorship Program at Martha Street Studio, the Artist In Residency Program at Artbeat Studio and the Art Salon Program at Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba (AANM). Her story and artwork have been featured in interviews, radio, articles and newsletters throughout Western Canada, the US, and MCS Aware (UK). She was awarded Microgrants from Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art and AANM for the completion of Overdressed.
Marie often participates and advocates in meetings and coalitions to have the needs met for those living with Environmental Sensitivities (also known as Environmental Illness). In 2022 and 2023 Marie participated in the Accessible Parks Canada Conference.
Her 3 most important projects to date include:
1. Overdressed was Marie’s most impactful photography project. In the series she wore a blue evening gown (mostly) in the desert where she performed every task on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the blue evening gown and hiking boots. The dress represents how everything is like a special event and how tired she is after that event.
Overdressed: you can scroll to the images after the artist statement.
*Environmental Sensitivities includes Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, and Mold Illness /Mold Hypersensitivity. People experience adverse reactions to various things in the environment such as perfumes, cleaning chemicals, smoke, electrical devices, electronics, cell towers, mold, 5G, foods, paint and so much more. The effects can be irritating to completely debilitating often affecting many organs. Many live in poverty without access to housing, medical professionals trained in environmental medicine, medical facilities, public spaces, public transportation and so much more. Many lead a life of isolation without the support of family, friends and social organizations.
2. WHO says we need fresh air?! – has travelled throughout Manitoba, Nuit Blanche Winnipeg, to Edmonton, Jasper and Arizona. Quotes from individuals across the globe afflicted by Environmental Sensitivities/Environmental Illness are projected onto buildings, structures, billboards, screens and monitors.
You will feel the cry for help of the endangered humans living with these conditions from Manitoba, Canada and globally as they share their daily struggles to obtain safe housing and fresh air for their mere survival.
Marie would like to thank her fellow ES/MCS friends who contributed to this project.
Full video series for your information:
3. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity & Environmental Illness-Awareness & Acknowledgement
The short film features stories from people living with Environmental Sensitivities/Environmental Illness including multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and mold illness Marie met along her journey. (8 mins).
The film was screened at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) during the art show Crip-Strength in Winnipeg, Manitoba fall of 2022 and the Oral Histories of Environmental Illness (OHEI) Symposium at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) fall of 2023.
Awards, Honourable Mentions, and Official Selections for film:
Golden Eyes. Official Selection. 2024; Lift-Off Global Network Sessions. Official Selection. 2023; Bistrita Romania International Film Festival (BRIFF). Nominated. 2023; Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival (AIMAFF). Honorable Mention. 2023; Mojo International Film Awards (MIFA). Selected to be included in the film festival. 2023; Accolade Global Film Competition. Canadian Winner. 2022; Impact DOCS Awards, Documentary Short – Canadian Winner. 2022; Royal Wolf Film Awards, Best Documentary Short – Platinum Award Canadian Winner. 2021.
Marie often donates and has donated her art in the past to various charitable organizations.
Marie’s website
You can contact Marie at