History of Activities 2022
- “The End of The End” of Time by Marie LeBlanc presented as an online exhibition. On Facebook: 2,124 people reached with 39 responses. On Website: 332 views with 2 comments
- Presented about AANM and art as empowerment to Red River Students in the Exploring Community Through the Arts Course-Community Services
- “Moments of my Own” by Lindsey White presented as an online exhibition opened. On Facebook: 591 people reached with 11 responses. On Website: 79 views with 22 comments. Received a $75 donation in Lindsey’s name along with a wonderful letter
- Collected information from five artists to participate in the Manitoba Arts Network Rural Opportunities. Sent information to MAN
- Corresponded with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights for 2 upcoming events, Book Launch and Disability Art Festival
- Connected with Red Tent for anti-oppression training for board and staff
- “Full Circle” by Candace Lipischak presented online and in-person at AANMM’s gallery. 16 attendees at opening, 1,974 people reached through Facebook with 25 responses. 84 views on website. 80% of exhibition was sold
- Red Tent anti-oppression training occurred with board and staff
- Winnipeg Free Press article about AANMM’s accessibility audit was published (https://aanm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/AANM-article-free-press-copy.pdf)
- Book Launch of Still Living the Edges edited by Diane Driedger. This event occurred at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and featured talks by the contributors. 40 attendees in-person and 40 online. 29 views of recorded book launch on YouTube Channel. 15 books sold!
- Spoke with WAC about self-identification on grants
- “Self-Portraits” by Natasha Boone was presented online and at AANM’s gallery. 16 visitors in-person. 2,431 people reached through Facebook with 40 responses. 16 views on the website.
- Met with Dr. Eliza Chandler to speak about the Access Guide she helped to create for Tangled Arts & Disability
- Met with Independent Resource Living Centre and Peter Tonge about audits
- Met with Michelle Kuly from Blueprint about strategic planning
- “we are not separate” by kelly haydon was presented online and at AANM’s gallery. 18 attended in person. 2,310 people reached through Facebook with 25 responses. 101 views on the website and 1 comment.
- Art and Accessibility in Public Spaces Panel: Partnership with STEPS and AANM to present an online panel discussion about art and accessibility. Jenel Shaw was the moderator and was joined by AANM member Ysabelle Vantour and two other artists with disabilities. 39 attendees. 887 people reached through Facebook with 25 responses and 121 views of the video.
- Wrote blurb a about Crip Strength exhibition at MAWA for their newsletter
- Simplified AANM information for artists with learning/ reading difficulties.
- Created new page on website: Gallery to show images and dimensions of gallery space.
- Drafted and sent emails to MAC and WAC about self-identification for those who are Deaf and/or disabled.
- Spoke at the Dance Transition Resource Centre, “On the Move” Networking event about AANM and the importance of accessibility in the arts
- Updated members page on the website
- Researched digital piracy and updated our website so right clicks are not allowed of images.
- Attended Reconciliation Statements webinar with Albert McLeod
- Attended Vital Signs, Winnipeg Foundation meeting. They are focusing on wellbeing and created a document about what is needed for an individual’s wellbeing. AANM gave feedback that accessibility was missing from the document. WPG FND contacted ED to do have a conversation about wellbeing and accessibility with AANM members.
- Creative Accessibility workshops were presented in partnership with Creative Manitoba.
- June 4: Accessibility for Deaf Artists with Chris de Guzman from 100 Decibels: a Deaf Mime Troupe
- June 11: Invisible Challenges with Big Daddy Tazz
- June 18: Creative Freedom with Milli Flaig-Hooper
- June 23: Exploring Creative Access with Amy Amantea
- June 25: Chronic Illness and Creativity with Diane Driegder
July & August
- July First Friday: kaitlyn beugh “Conversations with the Ocean”. 9 attended in person. 1,763 people reached through Facebook with 10 responses. 157 views on the website.
- August First Friday: Natalie Sluis “I AM I”. 18 attended in person, 1,406 people reached on Facebook with 22 responses. 134 views on website. This event was attended by MAC staff who were very impressed with Natalie’s work
- Submitted TD sponsorship for Crip Strength, we were awarded $2,500
- MAC strategic planning grant successful, $5000 awarded
- Hired writer Kate Grisim, graphic designer Christine Kos and text reviewer Valerie Wolbert for creation of Access Guide
- Researched disability art orgs across Canada to send Crip Strength info/press release
- Met with MAC to discuss disability awareness training/disability art
- Facilitated roundtable with STEPS from Toronto to discuss public art with Deaf and/or disabled art professional
- “50+”by Lani Zastre presented online and at AANM’s Gallery. 46 people responded on Facebook. Exhibition was viewed on the website 56 times. Over 130 attendees at the opening with three artworks being sold!
- Organized interview and photoshoot with AANM member Alice Crawford for WPG FND vital signs report. AANM will be featured
- Aided the WAG to find a model who utilizes a wheelchair for upcoming fashion show. AANM member Yvette Cenerini will be the model
- Met with Creative MB and the Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf for new training program to build capacity in the Deaf community
- Met with Peter Tonge for update on audits
- Review engagement was completed
- Meeting with Accessibility Standards for Heritage Buildings
- “#Not A” by Troy Lindstrom presented online and at AANM’s Gallery. 34 people responded on Facebook. Exhibition was viewed on the website 26 times. 10 attendees at the opening
- Crip Strength: Art + Body + Mind presented at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
- Crip Strength featured Emcee Lara Rae, a prize-winning writer for radio and television, a public speaker, an emcee, a radio host and a 30 veteran of stand-up comedy. Lara was a wonderful host and was a great asset for the event. Diane Driedger, AANM’s chair spoke at the event about the work AANM has done in terms of accessibility and accessing the arts. Lastly, the Honorable Senator Patricia Bovey spoke at the event about the work AANM has done and what is being done on a national level for accessibility.
- The event featured four talented performers who are Deaf and or disabled. Adam Schwartz, a comedian with Autism, gave a comedy set which explored his experiences as an individual with autism. Kathy Arnold, a poet who is a stroke survivor presented her piece “Useless, Waste of Space, Loser”. The performance was accompanied by a pianist and was extremely moving and powerful. Hard of hearing dancer Natalie Sluis and her partner Anne Neudorf. The dance was a contemporary duet based on self-expression, acceptance of individuality, and supporting each other in find new pathways. The song, Forever Feeling, was created by David Sluis who is a self-producing musician based in Winnipeg Manitoba. Lastly, burlesque dancer and wheel chair user Emily Farraige performer a piece about the struggle of and the of learning how to fully love yourself when you are physically disabled. The performance featured the song Unconditionally by Katy Perry. Emily’s performance was exceptional and very dynamic.
- Along with the performers and speakers eight visual artists who identify as Deaf and/or disabled participated in a juried exhibition which was mounted at the CMHR for the day of the event, and then moved to MAWA (Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art) for a month and a half.
- Crip Strength Stats: 64 people registered to view event online. Approx. 85-90 attendees in person. Viewed online over 300 times
- Comedy show by Adam Schwartz presented at Video Pool Media Arts: 948 people reached through Facebook and Instagram with 31 reactions. 25 attendees to the Live event and 23 views on YouTube
- Crip Strength at MAWA: 228 people reached through Instagram with 38 reactions. 36 attendees in person and 29 views on website.
- AGM and Artist Talk with Jacob Scheier: 338 people reached through Facebook with 7 reactions. Attended by Board of Directors plus one member for live event. 31 views on YouTube
- Emailed Park Theatre on behalf of member concerning the removal of their ramp
- Requested extension and change of strategic planner for MAC grant for strategic planning. Sue Hemphill was accepted as new planner by MAC and extension granted
- Phone interview with Colleen at the Manitoba Accessibility Office about our activities, specifically about Crip Strength and the Access Guide
- Created anti-ableist workshop content and training dates and times. 60 attendees registered from artist-run centres in MB
- Presented Anti-Ableist Workshop to MAC, all 13 staff were in attendance
- Presented 2 Anti-Ableist Workshops for MARCC members with a total of 36 attendees
- ED was interviewed for as study of Cultural Spaces by the department of Canadian Heritage
- Spoke with Claudette Leclerc who is conducting capital planning with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. They have requested to have their space audited to include in the planning, a date will be set in the spring for the audit.
History of Activities 2021
- John Oross performance for First Fridays had two viewers at the time of the event and 9 views since it was put online.
- Connected with Manitoba Possible in Brandon who wrote a letter of support which was included in the grant to MAC for Criptych in Brandon
- Created poster and advertised Micro-Grants
- AANM contacted by Creative MB looking to hire coaches or mentors with disabilities, AANM recommended 5 individuals
- First Friday exhibition included a recorded artist talk for event. Used cat filters to keep anonymity. 33 views on the website, 5 views on the YouTube channel, and 121 people reached on Facebook.
- E.D. met with Hannah Foulger from the Uniter to speak about the First Friday exhibition as well as accessibility in the arts during and after the pandemic.
- E.D. attended Meeting with National Legal Clinics for the Arts. They are looking at having headquarters in each province.
- E.D. met with Rachel Anderson from Creative Manitoba to put on workshops through CM for artists with disabilities, called “Creative Accessibility”.
- 21 submissions for Micro-Grants, 5 winners were chosen.
- Applied for the Manitoba Bridge Grant (received), the Winnipeg Foundation Stabilization grant (received) and the Digital Now Canada Council for the Arts Grant (received), Manitoba Arts Council Criptych Grant was successful.
- Contacted the Winnipeg Arts Gallery about the lack of accessibility of their online opening of the new Inuit Art Centre. They wrote back asking for ASL interpreters.
- “Feminine and Fierce” by Charlene du Toit presented online and in AANM’s GAllery. 3 comments on the website, 27 views on the website, and 188 people reached through the Facebook event page.
- Updated website to include the new policies
- Aided a member with correspondence; the Canadian Journal of Autism Equity wanted to use their artwork on the cover of the inaugural edition.
- Winners of Microgrants for artists were selected: Hailley Rhoda, Marie LeBlanc, Misty Greyeyes and Victor Enns
- “Overdressed” by Marie LeBlanc presented as online exhibition. Created image description for all 77 images. 7400 People reached and 235 responses on Facebook. Sold two prints.
- First workshops with Creative Manitoba partnership, Creative Accessibility: Accessibility in the Arts – A Panel discussion with Deaf and disabled artists had 62 registrants and 30 attendees. Went very well!
June, July, August and September
- June: “Mighty to Save” by Ryan Dyck presented online and in AANM’s gallery. 520 people reached through Facebook with 21 responses. 11 comments on the website with 105 views
- July: “Making a Riddle out of a Solution” by Margaret Switala presented online and in AANM’s gallery. 273 People reached through Facebook with 6 response. 15 people at opening, website, 57 views
- August: “Who’s at the Party” by Alice Crawford presented online and in AANM’s gallery. 676 People reached through Facebook with 37 responses. # attended live event
- Criptych at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba from September 16-November 12 which featured four artists: Andrea von Wichert, Susan Aydan Abbott, Susan Lamberd and Yvette Cenerini. Total attendees: 784 people
- A partnership with AANM and Creative Manitoba to present workshops by Artists who are Deaf and or disabled.
- -Accessibility in the Arts – A Panel discussion with Deaf and disabled artists: 1,543 People reached through Facebook with 63 responses. 56 people registered, over 30 attended, 6 views on AANM’s YouTube and 28 views on Creative MB’s YouTube
- -Breaking into the Music Scene with Nic Dyson: 236 People reached through Facebook with 2 responses, 10 registered, 5 attendees, 3 views on AANM’s YouTube and 4 views on Creative MB’s YouTube
- -No Labels Please with E.J. Howorth: 520 people reached through Facebook with 10 responses, 15 registered, 6 attendees, 11 views on AANM’s YouTube channel, 6 views on Creative MB’s YouTube channel
- -What I wish I’d Known with Andrea von Wichert: 228 people reached on Facebook with 5 responses, 11 registered, 5 attendees, 2 views on AANM’s YouTube Channel, 3 views on Creative MB’s YouTube Channel
- -Accessibility for Arts Venues with Jenel Shaw: 1,547 people reached through Facebook with 45 responses, 35 people registered, 12 attended, 19 views on AANM’s YouTube channel, 12 views on Creative MB’s YouTube channel
- STEPS and AANM’s Panel Discussion: 2, 525 People reached through Facebook with 37 responses, 67 attended on zoom and approx. 100 through Facebook live.
- Accessibility Audit community outreach was conducted, approximately 40 participants with 2 notetakers
- “Mothering” by L. Zastre presented online and in AANM’s gallery. 1,526 people reached through Facebook with 42 responses. There have been 146 views on the website and 39 people attended the opening.
- “Make/Do”: Exhibition by visual artists who participated in the Art Salons from 2020. Exhibition was housed at La Maison des Artistes Visuel Francophone. 88 visitors in person, 57 views on website, 776 People reached through the Facebook events page with 40 responses.
- Created Video about AANM for Disability Without Poverty and AANM’s webpage
- E.D. gave a talk with the Manitoba Arts Network on accessibility in the arts. 26 attendees
- AGM and Artist talk had 13 attendees, 9 views on the YouTube channel
- Met with Rose-Anne Harder from the Manitoba Arts Network to discuss curating a list of disability artists willing to travel to rural locations with their art.
- Connected with STEPS for facilitator project and contacted ASL interpreters for this project
History of Activities 2020
- Opening of “Yearning for Comfort, not Cure” at Gallery 1C03 at the University of Manitoba. We partnered with the Gallery and 3 our members (Bram Keast, Yvette Cenerini, and Jesse Turner) all had work in the show.
- E.D. professional development: Grant Writing boot Camp and mentorship training with Shawna Dempsey.
- ED gave an interview for the Winnipeg Free Press (https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/entertainment/arts/artists-with-disabilities-face-challenges-567512562.html) with Alison Gilmor. ED was also the guest speaker for the First Fridays Talk, about 25 in attendance.
- Celia McLean presented her exhibition for First Fridays, 18 attendees. First time that the AANM volunteer Christian Higham ran First Friday’s solo.
- Criptych opened on March 6th. This was the exhibition for the mentorship with AANM members and Video Pool. Over 50+ attendees. Andrea Von Wichert’s Performance was standing room only. Performance was livestreamed to our Facebook page.
- Met with Christine Kelly, Jen Sebring and Yuns Oh from the U of M, they have a research grant to find new ways of evaluating disability art.
- March 13th was the last day the offices were open as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Month 2 of Pandemic shut down. ED has attended many webinars to keep abreast of new technologies that will be utilized in months to come.
- Panel discussion for Accessibility Onstage and Off was moved to the Zoom platform. The panel discussion was well attended and for the Facebook Livestream: 1,917 people were reached; 158 engagements; 4 shares and 565 views at the time of the report.
- April First Friday with Miranda Kudajzyk postponed until June 2020.
- Criptych was forced to close early as a result of Covid-19 closures.
- First Friday’s online exhibition with Marie LeBlanc was a great success. We reached over 7000 people, with 128 responses.
- Held online exhibition of artwork by Miranda Kudajczyk. 124 people were reached and the page was viewed 53 times, 8 people responded.
- Long-time Board member Ted Howorth was nominated by AANM for the Governor General’s Award for Visual Artists.
- Work on new website began.
- Financial Files were dropped off to Craig & Ross and review engagement began
- Provided ASL interpretation for one evening for “Virtually Yours”, Fringe Fest online
- 3 New members as a result of call for artists for the Art Salons and Nuit Blanche.
- Lani Zastre First Friday Exhibition very successful. 42 attendees, almost 500$ worth of artwork sold by artist! 255 people were reached via the online exhibition on Facebook. Researchers who were present during the exhibition interviewed 12 individuals.
- Provided ASL interpretation for Different Views at the Edge Gallery
- AANM was offered a free ½ page advertisement in Studio Magazine which will be out end of September/ beginning of October. Thank you to Crystal who designed the advertisement!
- First Friday exhibition by Jen Sebring. The virtual artist talk was attended by 4 people.
- Box of AANM files was delivered to Achives Manitoba.
- AANM’s new website was brought online.
- Nuit Blanche in person event was cancelled as a result of COVID-19, but an interview with CBC occurred and the exhibition have been viewed on AANM’s website 826 times.
- E.D. began ASL classes to better interact with Deaf members
- Art Salons began. The writers group has 3 participants, the visual artists have 8 participants and the theatre group has 5 participants.
- Worked with 2 members to work on grant writing skills and to aid them with their grants.
- AGM was well attended with all 8 board members, 6 members, and 2 ASL interpreters. The recording of the AGM has been posted on AANM’s Facebook page and 50 people were reached via this post.
- First Fridays Exhibition Ryan Smoluk called We are not Amused which has had 42 views to date.
- Art Salons for Theatre Artists with Debbie Patterson begins.
- ED and 2 board members Participated in the MARCC Anti-Racism Training.
- MAC Policies Project Approved.
- First Fridays Exhibition, Holiday Online Shop. To date we have sold 3 artworks from this exhibition.
- AANM nominated board member Bram Keast for the MAC Emerging Excellence Award.
- Applied for the Connecting at Home Provincial Grant with ArtsJunktion to present art tutorials by AANM members and art kits to accompany the videos.
- AANM E.D. gave an interview with over 10 students from Red River in the Disabilities and
- Community Support program. E.D. has been invited to give a presentation for the students in this course next year about AANM.
History of Activities 2019
- Hired new Executive Director Jenel Shaw. Participated in Doors Open Winnipeg, over 100 people come through the offices.
- Participated in Round table about digital technology and artists with disabilities. Met with Independent Resources Living Centre, Abilities Manitoba, and the Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba.
- Take 2 Members show opened. Over 75 individuals came to opening. We created a video from the opening which is on our website. Participated in 2 outreach events; disability matters vote and inspire community children’s mental health festival. Met with Society for Manitobans with disabilities, Manitoba Brain injury Association, and Sara Riel
- Met with Independent Resource Living Centre and Mandy Archibald professor in the nursing department at U of M. First live-streamed event of Susan Gibson’s Artist talk. No one came in person but over 50 views of the video!
- AGM with Senator Patricia Bovey Speech. 26 attendees. Met with Sara Riel art group. They will be participating in a group exhibition for a first Friday. Met with Jamie Routledge, president of MCSD. Created descriptions for each image on AANM’s website. Had first exhibition for first Fridays, José Cabrera. Over 35 attendees.
- Sold 940$ worth of artwork to IRLC for their offices. Began to archieve AANM’s Files with Beverly Pike. Met with a group of students to speak about AANM.
- First Holiday Pop up Shop. 13 artists participated
History of Activities 2018
- In 2018 we had our final iteration of the AANM: Exposed project which culminated in AANM’s first members’ show. This show took place at a partially accessible venue, The Edge Gallery. With over 20 members exhibiting their work, this event helped to increase awareness of the barriers faced by artists with disabilities. In fact, as a result of this exhibition, The Edge Gallery has worked to improve their accessibility. Elise Nadeau, the director of the Edge Gallery stated “we at the Edge gallery have enjoyed working with AANM, and look forward to continuing our relationship, it is because of past shows we had that we have created a ramp in our main gallery and will be getting our doors replaced to become 100% accessible. I hope to see more accessible spaces opening in Winnipeg. We are proud and happy to work with AANM, moving forward and future endeavors.” This awareness of accessibility in the art community is what AANM strives for and will continue to strive for in our future endeavors.
- In 2018 AANM began to participate in First Fridays in the Exchange. The new location of our offices has been ideal in promoting accessibility within this historical part of the city. As an area that has long been connected with the arts it was important for us to be in the thick of it so that we can better advocate for artists with disabilities. Locating our offices in Winnipeg’s Exchange District has allowed a wider audience to be exposed to our membership. Arts organizations in the Exchange are often challenged with accessibility owing to the vintage architecture. AANM’s office are accessible providing opportunities for artists and audience members’ with disabilities to participate in Winnipeg’s “cultural scene”.
- During this year AANM also continued their outreach efforts by participating in Family Mental Health Day at the Forks as well as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities held at Canadian Museum for Human Rights in December.
History of Activities 2017
Implementation of Exposed Phase II
- Call for Project Manager to facilitate Exposed events; create opportunities that will engage/educate our member’s, the public and audiences through performances and activities that incorporate disability art and performance.
- Hired Loricia Pacholko-Matheson, part-time to fulfill the role as Executive Director.
- Located in an ideal office setting. Space is across the hall from the C2 Gallery and close to Exchange District, in the Meet your Makers Building. Building owner making the historical building fully accessible. Handicap ramp located on east side of the building.
- Interviews conducted with Martha Street Studio for selection of mentees for Making Our Mark, MoM.
- Working with Creative Manitoba through the Coach Access Program.
- Website in need of technological advancement to support phone access/platform. Improvements are ongoing to provide a format of valuable resources and information to members and the disability community. Ongoing development to network Winnipeg and Manitoba resources, institutions and organizations.
- Lyric Theatre two-hour performance at Assiniboine Park in conjunction with PeaceABLE Days. Performances by Angel Calnek, her band Hill Billy Burlesque, and Connor Derraugh with his band. Master of Ceremonies performed by Gerry Atwell; aimed at a family/public audience. AANM Board members Susan Lamberd, Ted Howorth, Yvette Cenerini, Susan Gibson, along with our Executive Director, were available at our booth and promoting AANM in the crowd.
August – October
Establishment of Office
- Transition period. Cosmetic and physical work to new office space found at 102 – 329 Cumberland Avenue. Ideal location to promote AccessAbility in the city and office/gallery during Frist Friday’s. Foot traffic opportunities with C2 Centre for Craft (The Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library and the Manitoba Craft Council), across the hall, to drive up membership and create further awareness of our mandate and vision within the general population and arts community.
- AANM office opened on October 28th, 2017.
EXPOSED: Member’s Show
- Proposed, planning and Artist Call for visual and 3-dimensional artwork. Discussions about venues for next year and follow up curated show that AANM would feature in our gallery, as part of Frist Fridays.
- Invitation from Manitoba Theatre Projects to join them in presenting Tomorrow’s Child, at the West End Cultural Centre, a blind auditory performance by Ghost River Theatre’s Ray Bradbury adaptation.
- Direct engagement in table display; discussed the history of AANM and our upcoming event at The Good Will Social Club. Media blitz using handbills to promote AANM show taking place on International Persons with Disability’s Day.
Educational Outreach
- November 20th presentation done by Executive Director and Ted Howorth at the University of Manitoba for Grace Nickel’s Art Now students at the School of Art. Over 100 in attendance. Our talk was done in collaboration with other art organizations from Winnipeg such as MAWA and Urban Shaman. A very successful introduction for first-year students into the services and opportunities available to them for connecting locally. Volunteer opportunities and services emphasized about hands-on participation while still a student.
- Executive Director conducting personal one on one workshops with members; How to Prepare a Submission. Researching bio vs artist statements. Five new members utilizing the service for upcoming Exposed: Member’s Show.
- EXPOSED: Performance presented at The Good Will Social Club.
- Direct engagement with audience and city through a night of music and entertainment. Master of Ceremonies was Al Simmons with Angel Calnek and Hill Billy Burlesque opening. They were followed by 100 Decibel’s, a Deaf Mime Troupe, and Connor Derraugh with his Band. DJ Wanda G kept the music flowing during breaks. The night was well received with about 100 in attendance.
- Mentorship/Coaching
Executive Director providing ongoing workshops for members; Bio vs an Artist Statement, for new members putting work into Exposed: Member’s Show.
- Red River College
Contacts from about a dozen students regarding an assignment; Disability and Community Support Program that explores the community through Disability Art’s.
History of Activities 2016
- Among many new changes in the office funded by the Canada Council for the Arts Cultivate: Organizational Capacity grant, AANM launches its new website and newsletter. CCA awarded AANM an additional $5000 which will be used for the Accessibility Services Fund (below).
- Making Our Mark II completes another successful year of mentorship Martha Street Studio with the exhibition Canary In The Coalmine on March 4, 2016. This year’s program was funded by The Winnipeg Foundation.
- Branding Focus
AANM successfully completed its year-long organizational development grant, which allowed us to buy a new computer, update our website, streamline our administration, restructure our office system, redesign our communications and online identity, set up services such as Google Apps for non-profits, all of which helped strengthen our membership and our online presence.
- The first phase of AANM: Exposed is complete. Research and creation of a series of performances and cultural events pertaining to Ability and Access in the arts was undertaken and delivered. Applications for funding for phase II have begun.
- Collaborated with Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art. This symposium is a culmination of 20 years of collecting Contemporary Canadian artwork from across Canada. Artists, art administrators, gallery owners, and stakeholders from across Canada and internationally attended. We provided ASL and transcription services for artists with disabilities and Deaf artists.
History of Activities 2015
- ADNM and Martha Street Studio announce the second Making Our Mark mentorship program for professional Artists with Disabilities interested in learning printmaking and digital art.
- ADNM announces new name Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba to be more inclusive.
- AANM presents “Wayfinding” on August First Friday (7th of August). Art intervention designed to “Flip Gallery Access On Its Head”. Front entrance to Fleet Galleries was blocked off, forcing patrons through a brightly-lit, art and music filled alleyway to the back entrance with where the ramp is located.
- AANM participated in “Chair Your Idea” – a Winnipeg contest to come up with an idea for a urban design. Our idea wheelchair throne: “to ramp up the city replacing entrance lips with ramps designed by local artists”
- AANM’s Accessibility Services Fund is announced. This service will provide ASL, transcription services, small ramps etc. to artist-run centres in Manitoba. AANM will also consider other similar funding applications as requested.
History of Activities 2014
- ADNM partnered with Plug In to present a tour of the exhibition Sensing the Future: Moholy-Nagy, Media and the Arts, focused on the role of the senses, disability and ability in the contemporary and historical artworks on display. This tour was led by exhibition curator Dr. Oliver A. I. Botar.
- ADNM partnered with The Manitoba Writers Guild to present MWG Disability Project’s first Writer-in-Residence, Kate Grisim, a board member of the Arts & Disability Network Manitoba.
- Mentorship Exhibition – The six members of the Making Our Mark group (see May, 2013) had an exhibition of the culmination of 1.5 years of work and mentorship with Martha Street Studio.
- Soapbox Series – ADNM conducted a series of 4 workshops and panel discussions aimed at giving voice to artists with disabilities, arts organizations, disability organizations, and the general public. On October 30th was a culmination of these sessions, delivered at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, with guest speaker and performer Bill Shannon: http://www.whatiswhat.com
- Never before has anyone gathered together the arts community, the disability community, the city and health care advocates. All free.
History of Activities 2013
- ADNM partnered with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra to introduce Nobuyuki Tsujii to Winnipeg. ADNM mounted their juried art show at the Winnipeg Concert Hall during Nobu’s debut.
- ADNM Opened Studio Space for members with three large kilns and a large room for painting, sculpture, and drawing.
- ADNM established a partnership with Plug in ICA and ‘send + receive’ sound art festival to present the second annual Art + Body festival celebrating artists with disabilities for Oct 10th and 11th.
- Representatives of ADNM presented at the Centre on Aging Spring Symposium, University of Manitoba.
- ADNM partnered with Martha Street Studio on a printmaking/artist mentorship program, Making Our Mark (MoM). Six artists with disabilities will be mentored in printmaking activities for two years culminating in an exhibition.
- ADNM partnered with MAWA on a mentorship for two artists with disabilities with mentor Kristin Nelson.
- Art + Body: See Me Hear festival at the Plug In Gallery and Winnipeg Art Gallery. The featured guest artist was New York-based sound and performance artist Christine Sun Kim. Keynote speaker Dr. Nancy Hansen, Director of Disability Studies, University of Manitoba.
History of Activities 2012
- ADNM held a workshop at Freight House, “Reasonable Accommodation in the Arts and Cultural Sector”.
- ADNM partnered with Plug In ICA and the Winnipeg Art Gallery, for the first annual Art + Body fair. The focus of Art + Body: The Impossible, Improbable and Everything In Between was on celebrating the creativity of our artists.
- ADNM held two workshops for members -“How to photograph your artwork” and “How to write a grant proposal”.
- ADNM website was completed.